POC4Triage is a new European Union-funded research project that will use advanced technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve the speed and accuracy of diagnosis in stroke and other cardiorespiratory conditions. The ability to make rapid and reliable diagnosis is essential for providing access to timely treatment and saving lives.
POC4Triage is developing four innovative, portable medical devices designed to provide information for ambulance professionals and doctors to make faster treatment decisions. These devices include:
1. Multi-diagnostic monitoring patch
o A patch that provides real-time vital signs monitoring of the patient and predicts cardiorespiratory diseases using an AI mode
o Allows fast assessment of patients' conditions to provide them with timely treatment
2. ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG) patch
o A lightweight patch with sensors that sit just below the hairline
o Allows for fast and easy stroke detection
3. Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) device for stroke monitoring
o Uses light to look at blood flow in the brain
o Detects strokes and keeps track of the patient’s condition
o Non-invasive (doesn’t require surgery or needles)
4. Handheld blood test device
o A portable blood test device to help diagnose stroke type
o Detects stroke-related markers in the blood
o Small and fast, making it useful for emergency and bedside diagnosis
The four devices will connect to a Device Hospital Connectivity Platform. This will allow seamless integration with hospital systems. And it will enable rapid data transfer from the devices, using AI to translate the information from multiple devices, helping doctors in making informed treatment decisions.
POC4Triage brings together medical device developers, doctors, patient representatives, ethics experts, data scientists and health economists to improve emergency stroke care and other cardiorespiratory conditions They hope that by providing health care professionals with tools to enable faster access to time-critical treatments like vascular thrombectomy. For patients, this means timely treatment, with enhanced survival rates and a greater chance of a better quality of life.
“Millions of Europeans suffer strokes every year, but their life-saving treatment depends on speed and access. Our innovative devices will help ambulance professionals detect severe strokes in the field, ensuring fast access to the right treatment”, says Dr Jonathan Coutinho, Neurologist from Amsterdam UMC.
SAFE’s Director General Arlene Wilkie says “Time is brain. The POC4Triage project will give ambulance professionals and doctors improved tools to make faster and more accurate treatment decisions. This new technology will allow us to take a vital step toward improving stroke outcomes across Europe.”
For more information, please contact research@safestroke.eu or visit the POC4TRIAGE website https://poc4triage.eu
POC4Triage has received funding from the European Union under grant agreement No 101137358.